1·Going grass-fed is a safe refuge, a way for family-scale farms to stay viable.
2·After the Wars of Creation, Asha retired to a safe refuge within the moon, there to sleep, heal and dream.
3·Some forests have burned to their roots, driving the elves to find safe refuge in the better defended settlements of other RACES.
4·There is no nation that can provide safe refuge during these three days, but My Heart will provide to those who are thus consecrated to Me.
5·Gloomy and oppressive though the house was, it had been their one safe refuge: even, now that Kreacher was so much happier and friendlier, a kind of home.
6·The Economic Community of West African States says it will ensure a safe and dignified exit for Mr. Gbagbo, who has taken refuge in an underground bunker.
7·Mint's other top seller was a donation to an elephant refuge in Thailand that rescues elephants used for tourism on the streets of Bangkok and gives them a safe, rural home.
8·And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge.
9·A wildlife refuge is a safe place for animals with no factories or hunters allowed!
10·The second day is the first month, seek refuge back people see the village safe and sound amaze very much.